Page name: day-dreamers united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-08 12:48:15
Last author: ~Lady Morgana~
Owner: ~Lady Morgana~
# of watchers: 24
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*Day-Dreamers United*

Do you know the situation, you are sitting somewhere ... dreaming ... someone touches you and you are really shocked because you were lost in your mind? THAN LADY OR GENTLEMAN you are a DAY-DREAMER!!! ;)

With me its always the same! If there is a very boring person talking and talking I am lost.
I love driving with a train because there I am able to dream ... the most annoying thing about our society is that nobody is able to take the time to dream!!!!!

I would be pleased to know that you are real day-dreamers, so I would like to hear about you dreams, all your imagined situations and your wishes!!!

I m very sorry that your old banner isn t working anymore!!! But i made a banner room for all our ideas!!!!

[~Lady Morgana~]

*the day-dreamers*


*day dreamer banner room*

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2004-06-30 [BigGiantX]: THAT IS LIK BIG GIANT!

2004-06-30 [Fëalos]: One Giant Hug in McHuggins

2004-06-30 [Fleuryrose]: Hello friendly hugging people!

2004-06-30 [Fleuryrose]: I'm off cycling for a bit in a while,the weather is kind of damp and strange,but I still feel really alive and kicking!!

2004-06-30 [Fleuryrose]: Love to One and All! ^_^ (will be back soon)

2004-06-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: HEYYA!!!! :D hugs back!!!!how are you all???

2004-06-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: welcome our new member!!! :D

2004-06-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: what the hell is wrong with our banner??? O___o

2004-07-01 [BigGiantX]: is it wrong too make publicity?

2004-07-06 [~Lady Morgana~]: no do it!!! ;)

2004-07-08 [deleted, gone]: stupid banner

2004-07-08 [BigGiantX]: the dragon elves my new RPG WIKI

2004-07-08 [~Lady Morgana~]: cool thing!!!! :D

2004-07-16 [Evil Faerie Feline]: here comes some shameless advertizing

X vs. Y

2004-07-16 [Fëalos]: had two dreams about my exboyfriend :S pretty confusing..

2004-07-16 [Evil Faerie Feline]: tell me about them? *pulls up chair*

2004-07-16 [Fëalos]: You really really want to know what was going on in those dreams? (pretty kinky and such)

2004-07-16 [Fëalos]: by the way, i made this wikipagethingers, corner of the earth so yeah, I would love it if some of you might want to take a visit on it, not much to see for the moment, but yeah :)

2004-07-16 [Evil Faerie Feline]: well u could summarize a lil

2004-07-16 [Fëalos]: well..the first dream was that he had a castle and uhm we had done like every sexual stand you could imagine in gaysex and the second one was just some few words and a very sweet hug..

2004-07-16 [Evil Faerie Feline]: do u miss him?

2004-07-16 [Fëalos]: I know I have missed him, but, I don't know, those few days travelling around in Germany to work helped me to get some distance of the world and such but I can not really help the fact that I miss him.;I had a real miss-him-mood few days before the dream

2004-07-16 [Evil Faerie Feline]: then the dream was probably just because u miss him

2004-07-16 [Fëalos]: probably..dunno..was kinda weird..Oh well life continues, the bees are flying through the flowers, the animals are looking for food and the woods are back in peace

2004-07-16 [Evil Faerie Feline]: oo poetic

2004-07-16 [Fëalos]: poet for something I guess :)

2004-07-21 [deleted, gone]: give it time, it takes a long tim eto move on.........dreams are meerley dreams most of the time, i use to have the same dreams (minus the gay part) lol

2004-07-21 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah thats true. i ll take some time but after that you ll feel free!!!!

2004-07-21 [Fëalos]: I know :) Time solves everything except death (you can't get someone alive again by sitting in front of his body and wait untill he would stand up again, can you?)

2004-07-21 [Fleuryrose]: I guess not,it would be unnatural and kind of bad voodoo like...I don't think the dead should be raised (talking to souls of them can sometimes help,only to one's you knew in real life that is)

2004-07-21 [Fleuryrose]: But don't talk to bad weird unknown ones!!

2004-07-21 [Fleuryrose]: But Konrad,how long haven't you seen him?

2004-07-21 [Fëalos]: Somewhere in the middle of April..and I won't talk to souls..that's not good for my mind..

2004-07-21 [Fleuryrose]: No,it's indeed not the healthiest thing to do! I am glad you already figured that out! ^_^

2004-07-21 [Evil Faerie Feline]: what if they come to you?

2004-07-21 [Fleuryrose]: You have to fend them off!

2004-07-21 [Fleuryrose]: There are so many souls who want to tell their tale,or who might even want to take your soul...I have sadly just experienced it not so long ago...luckily mailin and her light creatures where strong enough to help us fend him off!

2004-07-21 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh damn that was scaring ... :/

2004-07-22 [Fëalos]: I won't do it, because I know it's not good for me, not with the past I have..I used to have this devilish 2nd soul in my body, one who really had fun in being violent and well, a really bad bad bad experience; In the end, when even my blind soul saw it, I had the power to..send him away if I can say it like this, and there my fear of the dark (what my mind makes of) and such comes from..Hell ain't a nice place to hang around, you know

2004-07-22 [Fleuryrose]: I understand,Konrad.

2004-07-22 [Fëalos]: Thanks for understanding..

2004-07-22 [Fleuryrose]: Anytime dear!

2004-07-23 [deleted, gone]: rather odd i had an x who swears he gets possessed

2004-07-23 [Evil Faerie Feline]: kool

2004-07-23 [deleted, gone]: or hes a lier!!!!!! big lier errrg those people

2004-07-23 [Evil Faerie Feline]: that kinda likely actually

2004-07-24 [deleted, gone]: that he was possesed?

2004-07-24 [Fëalos]: Possesed by what?

2004-07-27 [deleted, gone]: he said demons! and the devil + God! right.......................

2004-07-27 [Fleuryrose]: Sometimes you are not really possessed by a demon,like another soul or creature,but sometimes it can really feel like that,because we in fact have got one (a demon) inside of us,our ego. And at the point where teenagers start to grow up and feel how fucked up the world is,the demon,the ego sometimes takes over for a bit,to protect the teenager against unnecessary harming.

2004-07-27 [BigGiantX]: HELLO PEOPLE

2004-07-27 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: *sits down* hello short peopl!


2004-07-27 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,o???

2004-07-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: I LIKE IT!!!!! ;)  how are you all?

2004-07-27 [BigGiantX]: good and you?

2004-07-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: i m okay ... too much alcohol last night ... :/

2004-07-27 [BigGiantX]: :P lol

2004-07-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: hahahahah XD

2004-07-27 [BigGiantX]: hmmmmmmmm ....there is nothin happening right here...dasmm

2004-07-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: oww that sucks ... :S

2004-07-27 [BigGiantX]: i think it is me ...i am too much for every one .....

2004-07-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: why that?

2004-07-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: ( WE HAVE NEW BANNERS!!!!!LOOK IN THE *day dreamer banner room*!!!)

2004-07-29 [BigGiantX]: why i dont know ......but it feels so

2004-07-29 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh okay ...

2004-07-29 [deleted, gone]: cool im glad we got rid of the huge 1 was way 2 big

2004-07-29 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah i know .... but i wasn t able to change it ... :S

2004-07-29 [deleted, gone]: lol

2004-07-30 [BigGiantX]: hehe

2004-07-31 [BigGiantX]: ????

2004-07-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah thats really cool!!! i think it will help the people.

2004-08-02 [deleted, gone]: thank you! i hope so! feel free to join up even if u have no problems

2004-08-02 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah cool!!!! ^_^

2004-08-02 [Fleuryrose]: it's great to be able to help!

2004-08-02 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah

2004-08-18 [~Lady Morgana~]: all the time i dream that i finally find some peace ... i m not sure if that is only possible when i die but i need peace!

2004-08-18 [Fëalos]: Peace is to be found in a forrest, not among humans or productions of the human mind, but among nature. Trees who slowly put their shadow on your face, birds that sing a song for the heart who wanders and the buzzing sound of bugs, living on a higher level than the level you are. Than, shut your eyes and clear your mind. That. That is peace.

2004-08-18 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah you re absolutely right!!! i didn t do it for a long time now ... i think i really should do it soon again!*thanks*

2004-08-19 [deleted, gone]: peace is a state of mind

2004-08-19 [Fëalos]: yes, it is, but in this chaotic world of today the best way to get into that state is in such a moment.

2004-08-19 [You deserve each tear that falls.]: hi ppl

2004-08-19 [Fleuryrose]: ^_^ Thumbs up! On the peace-finding-idea!

2004-08-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: hi you all!!! :D yeah its so true. i need to find some peace ... i can t really sleep and everytime when i try to eat i feel sick and stuff ... its so horrible. :/

2004-08-20 [Fleuryrose]: You have the same Cédric and I had,I think maybe you should stop fooling yourself and let go of your ego too. I love you,but you are too busy now with stuff of others (of me and C and probably of more people). You want to help them and they damn glad want to be helped,sucking you dry and leaving you with nothing. I know you feel helping is the best thing one could do,but not all people give energy back...

2004-08-20 [James' Baby Gurl]: Can

2004-08-20 [James' Baby Gurl]: Can I join

2004-08-21 [doomed_tears]: I DREAM OF SEX

2004-08-21 [Fëalos]: Everybody dreams of that, I think. So what is your goal by saying so? I hope your intentions are to share a dream, otherwise your comment would be somewhat useless

2004-08-22 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah fleury you re absolutely right! it has always been my problem ... i want to help and forget to think about myself. it costs a lot of energy ... i try to stop it but its really hard for me. i m not sure why i do it.  to [doomed_tears] yes i dream about sex too. i really think that everybody does! sex is a great thing but i think you had sex not a long time ago. ;)

2004-08-23 [Ehecatzin]: I dont think there's someone who doesnt dream of sex...we are humans ;o)

2004-08-23 [Fëalos]: and the human flesh is weak?

2004-08-23 [BigGiantX]: ?

2004-08-23 [~Lady Morgana~]: well sometimes it is but i think that sex is fun and makes happy so everybody dreames about it.

2004-08-23 [Ehecatzin]: No I dont mean because we are humans flesh is weak...but we are humans and we desire....and sex is pretty desirable

2004-08-24 [deleted, gone]: i could do without

2004-08-24 [Fëalos]: and ofcourse sometimes there is this prehistorical thing that drives humans to have sex

2004-08-24 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah thats true.

2004-08-25 [deleted, gone]: of course

2004-08-25 [Fëalos]: and than America is shocked because somebody shows her niple..cynical

2004-08-25 [~Lady Morgana~]: hahaha its so funny. i don t know why they are like that ...

2004-08-25 [Fëalos]: who knows..oh well..I guess they think they are saints (while they're watching their porn movies)

2004-08-25 [~Lady Morgana~]: hahahhaa XD yeah! do you know that the most extrem porns come from germany? i only saw one real porn.

2004-08-26 [Ehecatzin]: Oh no! a niple! on television! the world is going to end! oh no! what happened to decency!....LOL...whats the big deal? it was just a niple, and it had a little star on it...I dont know why americans think that one moment they are the personification of freedom...that until someone shows her niple (isnt that weird?)

2004-08-26 [Fëalos]: The freedom in prison is more like it..

2004-08-26 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh yeah thats true! maybe they are afraid that children suddenly could become a criminal because they saw niples! THE NIPELS WILL DESTROY THE SOCIETY!!! hahahhahahahah XD

2004-08-26 [Fëalos]: oh?! I thought they destroyed the innocent behavior of all those junkies..(hehe America is a fun subject)

2004-08-26 [~Lady Morgana~]: hahahah XD oh it is so funny!!! have you ever heared of some laws? ... not to cross a borderline with a duck on your head!!! hahahhaha

2004-08-27 [Ehecatzin]: now....thats weird..^^  and you are rigth..americans are quite a funny subject to talk about (not to offend any american reading this but its the truth) isnt it curious how most american tennagers actually thing their army can do the things they do on hollywood movies?...or that they support war, and when 1 soldier dies they get tired of it because its a slaughter¬¬' are they naive enough to believe they can figth a war without havining no one death?...well..americans

2004-08-27 [Fëalos]: american teenagers..they're just like in all those sitcoms, the geek, the cool one and the uhm..shit did I missed something?

2004-08-27 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: nerds?

2004-08-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: i don t want to offend americans aswell ... its just like that point you talked about! i don t know. i saw an american teenanger on tv and he thought germany would be a city in norway!!! :S :S :S well and the problem is that our teenies try to act like american teenies ... thats horrible. does anyone know rammstein? they just made a song about america.

2004-08-27 [Ehecatzin]: I think its that "we are better than you" culture they have what has made them almost completely ignorant about the world in general...a tennager that only knows X-box cant be expected to know where other country is...or that "worls cop" idea...its just stupid, nobody asked them to be that.(by the way Rammstein is excellent) ...have you ever seen americans springbrakers?...99% of them are just stupid...or have you seen them dance?...thats not dancing...motels were invented for that kind of dance ^^

2004-08-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah and nobody is interested in nature .. wait nearly everybody! its really horrible with all the pollution!!! more than 50% come from america. its all capitalism. i can t get it how people can be like that! heheh cool that you like rammstein! i love them!!! no i never saw springbreakers and to be honest i don t know what you mean :S hahah yeah its really horrible isn t it?!

2004-08-27 [Ehecatzin]: well....lets say that Mexico is kinda their vacation target...and sice they can get legally drunk in here at can imagine, you dont want to be near a bunch or stupid, horny, drunk americans....but I have to admit is funny when they want to figth and you kick their ass ^^ the way Rammstein is quite popular in here ;o)....damm polution, you are rigth they are the ones who pollute the most, and they do the same with weapons, their goberment condems anyone with nuclear weapons as terrorist, but it happends that they have the biggest nuclear my opinion that makes them the biggest treat to world peace.

2004-08-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: oww i see. thats really crappy! over here you are allowed to buy beer with 16 and "hard" alcohol with 18!!! what do you think whats going on over here?! well i never had a fight (hahahah only one fun fight drunk in a punk bar wit [Yiwerra] ;) ´but i can imagine that its fun! really? thats great! have you heared the new song? its called america! its so great, you won t belive it ... this is not a love song ;)

2004-08-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: i ve got a fan wiki!!! ;) with the weapons you are absolutely right!!! its so horrible ... how can it be that nearly everybody owns a weapon ... and the nuclear stuff *shakes head* what should i say??? the most horrible thing of the world!!!! >_<

2004-08-27 [Ehecatzin]: damm nuclear weapons¬¬    well...but you know, drunk people can be 2 things....very happy..or very agresive, for what I've seen Americans think they own the world...if you have an american teenager who is only waiting for having legal age to drink, and he do it before in Mexico, you got an stupid teenager who DOESNT KNOW HOW TO DRINK, and start acting like a real retarded cowboy...incredible how tequila can affect them ....and Im downloading the song rigth now! thanx for telling ;o)

2004-08-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: i know making comercials isn t so nice but how should people find out about that wiki?! Rammstein Fans ;)  i know your point! its really horrible ... so they come over to mexico to get drunk? thats really crappy ... i hate it if people get agressive when they are drunk ... maybe because i m the opposite. i m always happy making fun!! i don t know but i guess it depends of beeing too proud. arrogant. thats a negative thing and than you can get agressive more easy.

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: well thats my point of view ....

2004-08-31 [BigGiantX]: ......i dont follow this any more ....i dont get it is to hard for me ...get it simple please

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh we are talking about americans.

2004-08-31 [BigGiantX]: hmmmm it will be i am not following it .....i wont start with it ...

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: hahah okay. how are you doing?

2004-08-31 [BigGiantX]: not good ...but go on with you conversation ......i dont wanan talk about it here

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: well i think the people i talked with are gone ... :(

2004-08-31 [Ehecatzin]: no, Im still here, but you know, being in the other side of the world can be a problem sometimes :P....I hate kazaa by the way ¬¬ I just can't download that rammstein song

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: what do you mean with beeing on the other side of the world can be a problem sometimes? i m sorry ... thats really crappy with the song. how are you doing anyways?

2004-08-31 [Ehecatzin]: well I meant that replies in lets say...this wiki sometimes take time ^^ I'll manage to download the song.....Im fine...just my rigth hands does hurt, I practice kempo with my brother and I got some its on the hand :P...but I love it, I'ts like being a samurai, not to mention the adrenaline ^^

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh i see. thats good to hear!!! ^^ wow thats cool! since how long do you do it?

2004-08-31 [Ehecatzin]: well, Im kinda new, like a month now, but my brother has been studying in a dojo for quite a long time, so now he is teaching me. Its amazing how good exercice it feel completely tired but the adrenaline keeps you with the sword in your hand ^^

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: WOAAAH!!!!!it s with a sword???????

2004-08-31 [Ehecatzin]: well with a wooden sword actually (Im a begginer I'll be nuts if used a real one :P) those are called bokunatas and are usex for practice, but they do hit hard

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: wow thats so cool!!! i love sword fighting!!!! of course you can t use a real one!!!! ;) hehehe

2004-08-31 [Ehecatzin]: me and my brother have a thing for swords..obviusly ^^, we collect swords, real one's...but I mean real swords not those things on the internet¬¬ does anyone else here collects weapons?

2004-08-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh well there was a guy who made weapons .... but he s banned. i love swords too!!! sadly they are too expensive for me now :*(

2004-08-31 [Ehecatzin]: they are costly..but worthy, we han Spanish sword from around the 16th century...from the conquest of Mexico....that thing is scary, it has a "feeling" on it when you grab it

2004-09-01 [Fëalos]: I've got a thing for swords too, not that I have swords, not yet, I'd like to have a samurai-sword or some like that..

2004-09-02 [~Lady Morgana~]: wow i belive that you can feel something when you touch the sword! is it good or a bad feeling?  yeah samurai swords are beautiful but i would like to have a very old one from here in europe!

2004-09-02 [Ehecatzin]: well, it depends on who used the sword...and how he used it, it can et charged with negative energy...and that spanish sword...Its scary

2004-09-02 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah thats true ...

2004-09-11 [Boogaman9891]: if youre bored enough, check out the drawing that i posted on my page and send me a message about what u think of it

2004-09-11 [Boogaman9891]: aw man... no ones here :(

2004-09-11 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh i m here, sorry. i like your drawing!!!! its beautiful!

2004-09-12 [Boogaman9891]: ah, thanx, some pples comps dont seem to want to show it though, and even more pple just dont let me know what they think about it

2004-09-12 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah ... thats not nice. where do you live? we have so different times to write.

2004-09-26 [MACCANATOR]: alot of times people are tklin to me and all i here is my self thinkin about what it would be like if i lived in japan

2004-09-26 [Ehecatzin]: life in you want to go to Japan I imagine...what for? (unless you are an anime addict) :P

2004-09-26 [~Lady Morgana~]: hehehe ... one time i want to visit japan aswell! its such a pretty and historical country!!!!!

2004-09-26 [MACCANATOR]: no its just that japan intrest me and yes i like anime

2004-09-26 [MACCANATOR]: very much

2004-09-26 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh i see. ^^

2004-09-30 [deleted, gone]: weee birthday!!

2004-09-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: who has birthday?

2004-10-01 [BigGiantX]: hers???? happy B-day

2004-10-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah i was confused sorry but i sended happy birthday to her later ....

2004-10-01 [deleted, gone]: lol yeah it was my bday!!! weeee 18 finally, got my naval pierced?

2004-10-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: your what?

2004-10-02 [bethbutterfly]: Naval= bellybutton :-P And happy (late) birthday!

2004-10-02 [~Lady Morgana~]: ooh i see! :D thanks.

2004-10-14 [deleted, gone]: lol thank you soooo much!!1 <--(@.@)--> hugs!!!

2004-10-26 [liarbird]: HI ALL :P

2004-10-26 [~Lady Morgana~]: hey there!!!

2004-10-27 [liarbird]: hows u all doing in sleepy sleepy land :P

2004-10-27 [Ghost Lilly]: *stares at screen with tired look* Sleep? *in a zomieish voice* SLEEEEEPP!!!!! MUUUSTT HAVE SLEEEEEP!!!

2004-10-27 [~Lady Morgana~]: O__o

2004-10-27 [BigGiantX]: hello again ..hello ...its good to talk you

2004-10-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah it is!!!!! :D

2004-10-29 [BigGiantX]: XD lol

2004-10-29 [Ghost Lilly]: I finaly got some sleep after not going to school for two days, including today ^_^ I am so happy Im acualy not tired.

2004-10-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh thats great to hear!

2004-11-01 [Ghost Lilly]: sleep is a good thing, but I didnt get any last night. I was being hunted by what I belive was my cat. (Ill get her for this)

2004-11-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: by your cat? :|

2004-11-01 [Ghost Lilly]: Yes.. *sigh* she was in the house and I didnt know it, so I could hear all these creepy noises and couldnt sleep.

2004-11-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: i see. my cats never make so much noises ...

2004-11-01 [Ghost Lilly]: she dose, If a let her in my room at night she is all over. Like in my closet and tearing down my posters, she tried to eat my Legolas poster once. I have an evil cat.

2004-11-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: :| wow thats strange ...

2004-11-01 [Ghost Lilly]: she likes to eat my things, shes a brat... but I love her.

2004-11-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: i see! ^_^

2004-11-03 [liarbird]: awww..put foil on her feet...:P its mean but funny on second thoughts thats real nasty

2004-11-03 [Ghost Lilly]: Ill have to try it with my stupid out doors cat, shes fat and will forgive me in about two seconds.

2004-11-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: thats mean ...

2004-11-03 [Ghost Lilly]: It is mean, but I hate that cat, shes stupid! and she will forget anyways.

2004-11-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: i have a different opinion about it.

2004-11-03 [Ghost Lilly]: Yha, I probably wont do it anyways ^_^ I never have time to tourcher my cats.

2004-11-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: i see

2004-11-05 [DawnUnicorn]: *is day-dreaming but really should be writing an essay..* leave the poor kitties alone!!! mine bites me for fun.. but i let her..

2004-11-05 [Ghost Lilly]: Acualy *gets tears in eyes* I couldnt find my kitty this morning, I found the fat one, but not my butiful one. I havent seen her in forever, so sad. *walks off hangging head*

2004-11-06 [~Lady Morgana~]: awww poor you! *hugs* ... *dreams of a perfect world ...*

2004-11-06 [laughingCity]: How do you send a banner?

2004-11-06 [~Lady Morgana~]: you mean to someone?

2004-11-20 [Forsvunnet]: I think you have a very smart cat neko-chan, to rip down a legolas poster is a very smart thing to do. Foil on the cats feet? hmm......

2004-11-20 [Ghost Lilly]: Oh, she is flattered you think shes so smart. Shes siting on my desk with me right now *pets kitty... she just sat on my mouse ^_^ lol, it highlighted half the page.

2004-11-21 [~Lady Morgana~]: hahahha i know that XD

2004-11-24 [laughingCity]: How do you send a banner to have it as one of the banners

2004-11-24 [Ghost Lilly]: You have to have it on another page and direct link it. ^_^ if that makes any sence... and if thats what your even trying to ask

2004-11-28 [dreamer10164]: hey people

2004-11-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: hi there!

2004-11-29 [Evil Faerie Feline]: heya, hows everyone?

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